ODF Nutra also developed, for an American customer,
a strip containing seven Herb extracts to help increase the libido of man.

ODF Nutra manufactures and packs two products in the form of oral strips for Jamieson Laboratories; Vitamin B12 and Melatonin.


ODF Nutra holds several marketing licenses. The company launched its own range of Natural Health Products; Nutra-Strip as well as an energizing strips available in six ( 6 ) flavors under the brand Octane Boost.





1-3275, boulevard Choquette

Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec

Canada  J2S 7Z8


Telephone: 450 778-1111

Fax: 450 778-3618

E-mail: info@odfnutra.com

Copyrights ODF Nutra inc. / All rights reserved.

Web design: A3 Communications inc.

For more information or comments,
don't hesitate to contact us.

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